Wednesday, May 6, 2009


The first 100 days are over and the popularity of our president, Barack Obama is steady. His ratings are high, the economy is improving, or at least it seems to be. He is on TV everyday with his great big smile loving every minute of his powerful position and new lifestyle. The media won’t let up on promoting everything that he does.

Being a conservative, I worry about the direction he is taking the country, but as my commander in chief I have to give him the benefit of the doubt,…after all he is my president. I just hope he knows what he’s doing, and as I say this, there is distrust and uncertainty in the back of my mind.

In his first 100 days he has met with South American leaders including Chaves and Ortega. He also went to Europe and apologized along the way for the acts and past behavior of America. I see nothing wrong with being humble and admitting ones mistake, if and when mistakes are made, but I believe that he is going a little bit too far.

It seems to me that it still is not getting through his gullible skull that the world is a dangerous place and our enemies cannot be trusted. Not everyone that he meets with will tell him the truth and he should quit being so naive. Having been a refugee and an immigrant from a former communist country, I know from experience that “the Russians cannot be trusted, especially Putin.”

Obama actually considered having retired military personnel pay for their healthcare. Thank God that idea never took hold but what was he thinking? Who was his advisor that suggested such a stupid idea? He has not yet realized how important our military is, especially in this dangerous world and how much our men and women in uniform sacrifice to keep our country safe.

If you take a close look at president Obama’s cabinet and staff, most of them are young liberal yuppies, many of them millionaires, some tax evaders and many inexperienced at the task that they have been handed.

I do not know these people personally so I will not pick on them but I am concerned. I have no choice but to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope that their intentions are honorable and that their goal is to benefit the American people and not stuff their own pockets while employed by this administration.

Look at Bill Clinton as an example. He never owned a house before he became president and now he’s a multimillionaire. His speeches can’t be worth that much. Or is it maybe who he knows and how he can get people together to do deals. You tell me!

The socialist country where my family is coming from in Europe is a very corrupt country that I have grown to hate and despise. It is the country that I was born in and from where my family escaped in 1956.

I have gotten disgusted over the years at all the corruption that is taking place there, and I am sad to say that I see the same corruption on a grander scale taking place in the American political system.

This new administration is taking a different direction than the previous leadership, and with some things I happen to agree.

With that said, I just want to know “what was president Obama was thinking when he signed this presidential determination”, and why was this topic not discussed by the media? How is this good for America?

Now I have nothing against Arabs, or Muslims personally, but one has to ask the question, “why now?” Why so secretly?

Having worked in Iraq for 14 months I have come in contact with many Muslims, many who were US citizens with a security clearance. In my humble opinion, I have no idea how some of them were granted a clearance at all, let alone Top Secret. That fact alone was an eye opener to me and was clear evidence on how weak our system is and how vulnerable America really is.

As I mentioned, I am in the process of moving my family from an ex communist country, very socialist to this day, finally to America. At the same time I am starting to realize that we are going towards that same direction that I am trying to rescue my family from. Socialism.

I repeat once again that I am not here to bash the new administration, and I am not a supporter of the hard headed, abrasive conservative right, but I do worry about where America is heading.

I have been to many countries in my life which enabled me to see how other cultures live and play. It has been a good mirror to look into that has enabled me to see the good things as well as the bad about America.

Yes, America is not perfect, far from it, but it is still one of the best places in the world to live, at least for the time being.

Why do you think the Chinese are buying up lots of real estate in California, and why are groups from England taking real estate tours and buying foreclosed properties in Detroit 10, 50 and even 100 at a time.

Because, America will bounce back and the opportunities that are here do not exist in their own countries. The sad part to this story is that foreigners and not Americans are buying these investments and they will benefit.

The problem with America is everything is for sale. Money talks and nobody walks. If you pay you can play. Unfortunately we are selling our country out from underneath us.

I learned over a decade ago, having been a government contractor that “it’s all about the money.” Integrity, honesty and loyalty all goes down the drain for a few dollars. Everything and everyone can be bought. Patriotism has become a dirty word and I have a difficult time naming anyone in congress who is there primarily for the benefit of our nation.

It appears to me that everyone is on the take. I wish I was wrong, but I don’t think so. All the politicians are quick to point fingers when something goes wrong but rarely do they take blame for mistakes they or their colleagues make. Bipartisan politics does not exist, not here or anywhere. Bipartisanship is a delusional concept promised on campaign trails but never practiced in reality.

Where am I heading with this conversation?

“National Security.”

Not everything that George W. Bush did was bad. Yes he made some mistakes, and yes I’m glad that he’s gone, but…some things he was right about. In time history will evaluate him, but even that is difficult to say, because the history books in this country are being rewritten as we speak, and some of the changes are very misleading.

We have become a politically correct country and we are apologizing for many things that should not be apologized for. In the meantime our enemies are plotting against us and we don’t even know it. I hope to God our leaders will wake up before it’s too late. The world is changing and this change is taking place in front of our very own eyes and we don’t even see it. I hope our leaders do.