Tuesday, July 28, 2009


It has been some time since my last entry not only because I didn’t have time to write, but because there is so much to write about that I couldn’t decide where to start.

America is in trouble my friend and we need to change the direction that we are going in or our constitutional rights will be taken away from us and we won’t be able to turn it back.

As a refugee, an immigrant, a veteran and a patriot it is very sad for me to see that America is heading in the same direction as the country that my family escaped from over fifty years ago.

As an American I resent my president globetrotting around the world apologizing for what we as Americans have done. America is not perfect and we, especially our military have nothing to be ashamed of. If there is anything that we should be ashamed of, it is the politicians that we elected to office and the corrupt way that they do business.

As our leader goes around the world apologizing he is playing into the hands of the enemy. He is weakening our country and putting us in danger. He is badmouthing that which he represents and is supposed to support and protect.

As one that escaped from a communist country I can tell you that the Russians cannot be trusted. They don’t like us and they definitely don’t trust us. I don’t say this because I don’t like Russians; I say this because I experienced firsthand what the Russians do when they make up their minds. The war in Georgia last year is an example on how they do business.

Russia does not respect human rights just as the Chinese don’t. But the one thing I can assure you is that neither Russia nor China has a problem with illegal immigration like America does. Illegal immigrants in those countries do not go to a doctor or a hospital and expect free medical treatment at the taxpayer’s expense. An illegal immigrant cannot get a drivers license or go on welfare in those countries. That only happens in America,

That brings me to the healthcare debate that is currently an issue in the United States. Barack Obama wants everyone to have access to inexpensive healthcare and that includes an estimated 13 million illegal immigrants. Although he went to Harvard, it is obvious that he has not thought this through, or he has some really ignorant advisors around him.

I as a taxpayer who currently does not have health insurance sure as hell do not want my taxes to pay for someone who is in this country illegally. If our healthcare system is so bad than explain to me why every famous worldly politician comes to America when they have a major health problem. You never hear of anyone going to China or Russia.

I personally do not think that a healthcare bill will pass in this country this year like Barack Obama wants. God forbid that the US government will control medical care. It will be a nightmare and of course there will be more corruption.

The corruption will be just like there is in the other socialist countries. People will start paying kickbacks to doctors and staff to get appointments and treatment. It exists in socialized countries now and it is built into the system. When everyone is treated equally the only way to get special treatment is to know somebody or pay someone off.

My mother just came back to the United States after living in Hungary for the past eight years. While I was deployed to Iraq my sister had to go to Hungary and get her on an airplane and fly her back to America. She had some medical issues and the hospitals in Hungary said “we can’t help you.” That’s socialized medicine.

Back here in the United States she is being treated with dignity and getting the necessary treatment that she needs. I do have to agree that our medical system has faults and needs some fixing but the direction that our president wants to take us is way off track, not to mention the fact that we can’t afford the changes he wants. His solution is to tax everyone who is making money and they will pay for it. This is not only unfair but in my mind will bring many disgruntled Americans to the surface. The only thing I see about this situation that is good, is that people will wake up and realize that their vote for Obama was a mistake and they will not reelect him.

If you think we have a problem with people hiding their money offshore today wait and see what will happen when the government will increase taxes on businesses and those individuals that are making more than a million dollars. They will take their money out of this country in a heartbeat and I don’t blame them.

If the president is saying that this change in healthcare will be so good, then he and every member of congress should give up their current health plan (that you and I pay for) and they also should be covered in the same program just like you and I. If that were to happen, than I would seriously have to think that he believes in this change and as a leader he is practicing what he preaches.

That however is not going to ever happen. What congress and the president have they will never give up. They want change for us but they want their special perks and benefits for them to continue on. In other words do as I say, not as I do.

The change that we really need in this country is to get every politician that is currently in office out of office and elect people that are interested in representing our best interest. We need politicians and leaders who love America and want to keep America free. We need honest and ethical politicians who are here to represent our best interests. Unfortunately I don’t believe that they exist.

After being deployed overseas for the past thirteen years I saw firsthand how socialism and corruption go hand in hand. I have been struggling for the past decade to get my family back to the United States to the home of the Free and the land of the Brave.

As much as I hate to admit it, our political system is more corrupt than the one I just left behind in Hungary. This is not the change that America voted for and this is definitely not the change that we need.

The change we need is to clean house in Washington and in our state capitals. We need some new blood and fresh faces in our political system, because if we keep heading in the direction that we are currently going in, than all I see ahead for our country is tragedy and turmoil.

God Bless America!

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers