Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I think that the president gave a great speech this evening, and as a friend of mine mentioned in an email today, we have to give him a chance.

The speech was better than what Georg W. Bush ever gave except for the one he gave after 9/11. Barack Obama is a young, energetic and charismatic individual. I believe that what he said in his speech came from his heart and I support him 110%. I want him to succeed and save our country.

My concern is is that he is again promising too much that I honestly believe he can't deliver. He wants to cure cancer in our lifetime, wants to increase the number of soldiers, promises universal health care, promises universal education through college and will bailout the banks.

It all sounds good, but he does not say how he is going to do all these things. I was very disappointed that he did not get into the illegal immigrant issue which needs to be addressed but overall his speech was uplifting and motivating.

The thing that bothered me the most about the speech was having to watch Biden and Pelosi sitting behind him. Those two individuals cause me concern but more on them later.

Bottom line is, the president gave a good speech and I support him as I hope everyone else does. I thought the Republican rebuttal was weak and I was not interested in hearing political propaganda.

I agree that we need to stick together and all work on solving the nation’s problems as a solidified nation.

Let’s give him a chance and see what happens in the coming months.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I keep getting interesting emails from all over the country and when I received this one I knew then and there that I had to post it.

What is this guy thinking?

The contents of the email:

“President Barack Obama has signed an executive order presidential determination allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to resettle in the United States. Sure, what can go wrong when we allow hundreds of thousands of people who have been, as Mark Steyn memorably described, "marinated" in a "sick death cult," who voted for Hamas, and 55% of whom support suicide bombings live here and at the American taxpayers' expense:

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.

The "presidential determination" which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on the 4th February.

President Obama's decision, according to the Register, was necessitated by "the urgent refugee and migration needs" of the "victims."

Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

Let's review some of Barack Obama's most recent actions since he was inaugurated a little more than two weeks ago:

* His first call to any head of state as president was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.

* His first one-on-one interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.

* He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.

* He ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.

* He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11.

* Today we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands
of Palestinian refuges to move to and live in the US at American taxpayer expense.”

Anyone else seeing a pattern here?
And here is the link:


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As we live out the days before the “Stimulus Package” gets put into action there are so many other concerns that we as Americans need to think about.

The fact is, we live in a dangerous world. At home the politicians are playing games with us and our money, while many people in the world outside our borders wants to kill us.

Take a look at this video that anyone can find on YouTube:


After watching it this is what a good friend of mine wrote me.

“Truly this is what is putting fear in the hearts and minds of people. It can be the destruction of what we call civilized.

I wonder if Mohammad is rolling in his grave site, knowing what his doctrines have become or was this the reality of his work?

It is better to know where the dragon of hate and evil is, than to live blindly unaware of its presence.

It keeps us armed against the intrusion if we keep a keen eye of discernment, to take proper action for or against such radical invasions.

Are we wise enough to be informed to take proper action? As I said we could be on the brink of the collapse of civilized society. We live blindly to the creeping dragons of lustful hate.

It is a dangerous world.”

I have been deployed overseas as a contractor with the US military since 1996 and I can honestly tell you from my experiences that it “truly is a dangerous world.”

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Well at least he had the sense to resign. As much as I want Obama to succeed I’m a little concerned that he is starting off on the wrong foot. For someone who promised so much change, which we so much need, I have seen little so far.

Instead of taking action on the economy where change is really needed, we are stuck playing musical chairs with politicians who it turns out are tax evaders and crooked as ever.

My question to the American people is this; how can we get rid of them all and start all over again? Things can’t get much worse than they already are. When is a politician going to have the courage to say that we need term limits?

Without term limits, we will always have the crooks like we now have who get entrenched in the system and get fat and comfortable. A bunch of millionaires who are only looking out for their own interests.

Now that Daschle has backed out, he can go back to providing advice to health insurers and hospitals through his law firm, and continue the use of his limousine and make millions. He really won’t lose any money. He’ll just hide below the radar screen and get richer. Not bad for a tax evader.

This my friend really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Just imagine what would happen to you and me if we did not pay over $100,000.00 in taxes. I’m scared to even think about it.

Monday, February 2, 2009


The Worst President in American History

Jimmy Carter became our 39th president at the young age of 52. He was a one-term governor from Plains, GA, where he managed the family peanut farm and taught Sunday school. He was also a graduate of the Naval Academy and served seven years in the Navy, leaving as a lieutenant.

He came to power in the aftermath of the Vietnam War and the resignation of President Nixon. The public wanted change and someone new, and Carter was an ambitious, hands-on politician who promised better days. As good as his intentions were, however, the things he tried were not successful. In fact, he created far more serious problems than he ever solved.

The centerpiece of Carter's foreign policy was human rights, and he did achieve one noble success -a peace treaty between Egypt’s Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Menachem Begin.

Unfortunately, that later led to Sadat's assassination at the hands of Muslim radicals.

Many people felt Carter was a good man who worked hard and meant well. But he was naive and incompetent in handling the enormous burdens and complex challenges of being president.

He wrongly believed Americans had an 'inordinate fear of communism,' so he lifted travel bans to Cuba, North Vietnam and Cambodia and pardoned draft evaders. He also stopped B-1 bomber production and gave away our strategically located Panama Canal.

His most damaging miscalculation was the withdrawal of U.S. support for the Shah of Iran, a strong and longtime military ally. Carter objected to the Shah's alleged mistreatment of imprisoned Soviet spies who were working to overthrow Iran’s government. He thought the exiled Ayatollah Khomeini, being a religious man, would make a fairer leader.

Having lost U.S. support, the Shah was overthrown, the Ayatollah returned, Iran was declared an Islamic nation and Palestinian hit men were hired to eliminate opposition.

The Ayatollah then introduced the idea of suicide bombers to the Palestine Liberation Organization, paying $35,000 to PLO families whose young people were brainwashed to kill as many Israelis as possible by blowing themselves up in crowded shopping areas.

Next, the Ayatollah used Iran’s oil wealth to create, train and finance a new terrorist organization, Hezbollah, which later would attack Israel in 2006.

In November 1979, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other Iranians stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 52 Americans hostage for 444 days. Not until six months into the ordeal did Carter attempt a rescue. But the mission, using just six Navy helicopters, was poorly executed. Three of the copters were disabled or lost in sandstorms. (Pilots weren't allowed to meet with weather forecasters because someone in authority worried about security.) Five airmen and three Marines lost their lives.

So, due to overconfidence, inexperience and poor judgment, Carter undermined and lost a strong ally, Iran, that today aggressively threatens the U.S., Israel and the rest of the world with nuclear weapons.

But that's not all. After Carter met for the first time with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, the USSR promptly invaded Afghanistan. Carter, ever the naive appeaser, was shocked. 'I can't believe the Russians lied to me,' he said.

The invasion attracted a 23-year-old Saudi named Osama bin Laden to Afghanistan to recruit Muslim fighters and raise money for an anti-Soviet jihad. Part of that group eventually became al-Qaida, a terrorist organization that would declare war on America several times between 1996 and 1998 before attacking us on 9/11, killing more Americans than the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

On Carter's watch, the Soviet Union went on an unrestrained rampage in which it took over not only Afghanistan, but also Ethiopia, South Yemen, Angola, Cambodia, Mozambique, Grenada and Nicaragua.

In spite of this, Carter's last defense budget proposed spending 45% below pre-Vietnam levels for fighter aircraft, 75% for ships, 83% for attack submarines and 90% for helicopters.

Years later, as a civilian, Carter negotiated a peace agreement with North Korea to keep that communist country from developing nuclear weapons. He also convinced President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to go along with it. But the signed piece of paper proved worthless. The North Koreans deceived Carter and instead used our money, incentives and technical equipment to build nuclear weapons and pose the threat we face today.

Thus did Carter unwittingly become our Neville Chamberlain, creating with his well-intended but inept, unrealistic and gullible actions the very conditions that led to the three most dangerous security threats we face today: Iran, al-Qaida and North Korea.

On the domestic side, Carter gave us inflation of 15%, the highest in 34 years; interest rates of 21%, the highest in 115 years; and a severe energy crisis with lines around the block at gas stations nationwide.

In 1977, Carter, along with a Democrat Congress, created a worthy project with noble intentions—the Community Reinvestment Act. Over strong industry objections, it mandated that all banks meet the credit needs of their entire communities.

In 1995, President Clinton imposed even stronger regulations and performance tests that coerced banks to substantially increase loans to low-income, poverty-area borrowers or face fines or possible restrictions on expansion. These revisions allowed for securitization of CRA loans containing subprime mortgages.

By 1997, good loans were bundled with poor ones and sold as prime packages to institutions here and abroad. That shifted risk from the loan originators, freeing banks to begin pyramiding and make more of these profitable subprime products.

Under two young, well-intended presidents, therefore, big-government plans and mandates played a significant role in the current subprime mortgage mess and its catastrophic consequences for the U.S. and international economies.

Hardest-hit by the mortgage foreclosures have been the citizens that Democrats always claim to help most—inner-city residents who fell victim to low or no down payment schemes, unexpected adjustable rates, deceptive loan applications and commission-hungry salespeople.

Now we have to bail out at huge cost Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the very agencies that were supposed to stabilize the system. In time, this should improve the situation. But the party of Carter and Clinton that midwifed our mortgage mess now wants to be trusted to take over and have the government run our entire system of health care!

Don't forget his "incompetent" interventions in the elections of Nicaragua (Daniel Ortega), the elections of Venezuela (Hugo Chavez) and his "stupid" decisions with Cuba (Fidel Castro).

And some people have the nerve to criticize Bush?