Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I think that the president gave a great speech this evening, and as a friend of mine mentioned in an email today, we have to give him a chance.

The speech was better than what Georg W. Bush ever gave except for the one he gave after 9/11. Barack Obama is a young, energetic and charismatic individual. I believe that what he said in his speech came from his heart and I support him 110%. I want him to succeed and save our country.

My concern is is that he is again promising too much that I honestly believe he can't deliver. He wants to cure cancer in our lifetime, wants to increase the number of soldiers, promises universal health care, promises universal education through college and will bailout the banks.

It all sounds good, but he does not say how he is going to do all these things. I was very disappointed that he did not get into the illegal immigrant issue which needs to be addressed but overall his speech was uplifting and motivating.

The thing that bothered me the most about the speech was having to watch Biden and Pelosi sitting behind him. Those two individuals cause me concern but more on them later.

Bottom line is, the president gave a good speech and I support him as I hope everyone else does. I thought the Republican rebuttal was weak and I was not interested in hearing political propaganda.

I agree that we need to stick together and all work on solving the nation’s problems as a solidified nation.

Let’s give him a chance and see what happens in the coming months.

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