Thursday, January 22, 2009


He’s only been president for two days but he has already made some major changes.

He is planning on closing Guantanamo in order to uphold human rights and states that torture is illegal. My question is; do our enemies feel the same way? Of course not! This is another example of dumb American political correctness that will do us more harm than good.

Tim Geithner is going to be the next secretary of the treasury yet he admits to not paying his taxes for ten years. I mean give me a break. If the average American did that he would be fined and possibly sent to jail.

And the latest is Caroline Kennedy. At this time I don’t know exactly why she backed out of the senate seat to replace Hillary Clinton but the rumor is tax issues and a nanny problem. Talk about hypocrisy. She is supposedly worth over 100 million dollars and she has a tax issues.

We are in for an exciting four years my friend?

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