Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As we live out the days before the “Stimulus Package” gets put into action there are so many other concerns that we as Americans need to think about.

The fact is, we live in a dangerous world. At home the politicians are playing games with us and our money, while many people in the world outside our borders wants to kill us.

Take a look at this video that anyone can find on YouTube:

After watching it this is what a good friend of mine wrote me.

“Truly this is what is putting fear in the hearts and minds of people. It can be the destruction of what we call civilized.

I wonder if Mohammad is rolling in his grave site, knowing what his doctrines have become or was this the reality of his work?

It is better to know where the dragon of hate and evil is, than to live blindly unaware of its presence.

It keeps us armed against the intrusion if we keep a keen eye of discernment, to take proper action for or against such radical invasions.

Are we wise enough to be informed to take proper action? As I said we could be on the brink of the collapse of civilized society. We live blindly to the creeping dragons of lustful hate.

It is a dangerous world.”

I have been deployed overseas as a contractor with the US military since 1996 and I can honestly tell you from my experiences that it “truly is a dangerous world.”

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